At Purrfect Concierge Petcare we aim to provide the best quality care for your pets while they are in our care. Consequently, it is necessary that we have certain policies in place to ensure that we can do this for every pet we care for, including yours. Upon reading these policies, if you should have any questions, we are happy to explain any of them to you.
We require a initial consultation prior to starting services with your pet(s). The “meet and greet” gives us the opportunity to get to know each other, familiarize ourselves with your home, and most importantly, spend time getting to know your pets. During this time, we will discuss your family and your pet’s needs and develop their own “Personal Paw Plan” detailing the specifics of the care. In addition, if you have any questions about any part of your pet’s care plan, any of our other services, your instructions for preparation, we can clarify about any part (no matter how small). Concierge care is about going the extra mile to provide exemplary customized care. Contradictory to typical pet sitting services that are all timed and charged by time spent, we care about the details! Instead of owners having to choose from a preset menu of services, we will take the time to develop a plan from start to finish that both the owner and the concierge are confident in. Consequently, please be prepared for this meeting to last up to an hour and a half so we can be sure to have ample time to do this. There is a charge of $25 for any additional or follow up meetings necessary to complete the process. Please be prepared to show vaccination records, provide us with 2 keys/modes of entry. It is the responsibility of the client to provide ALL information needed for the care of the pets and home to their concierge at this initial meeting and make us aware of any changes for as long as we are providing care for your pet(s).
Keys- For pet sitting services where owners are away, 2 forms of entry are required (For example, 1 key and 1 garage code, two keys or key code). Both forms of entry will be tried at the introductory meeting to ensure their functionality. If we are only given one form of entry and that form of entry doesn’t work, we will be forced to contact a locksmith at the owner’s expense. Purrfect Concierge Petcare will not hide keys on your property and if one is hidden by the owner, we cannot be held liable for the security of your home. For dog walking or training only one form of entry is required, however two forms of entry are greatly appreciated.
For pet sitting services, to ensure your pet does not go without proper care, we ask that owners to promptly call to notify us of their return. If we do not receive a call, we will return to care for your pet at the next service time and you will be charged for an extra visit.
How much advance notice do you require?
There is no such thing as booking a service “too early!” We only book a limited amount of pets at one time so we can ensure they will get the time, love and attention they deserve. Consequently, our schedule fills up fast. We are happy to accept last-minute requests as our schedule can accommodate. There is a fee associated with last minute and emergency care. In addition, if you aren’t a current client, we must have a consultation prior to any services.
So that we can ensure your pet’s safety, we will not provide every other day visits for cats or smaller animals, and we will not “ignore the cat” or similar requests. Emergencies can happen at any time and if your pet has not been checked on in 2 days, it can lead to dire consequences.
Naturally, we want to accommodate the specific requests of all our clients, but we may have to offer a time range when we can provide services. (For Instance, 8-10AM, 11-2PM or 3-5PM) This is necessary because we have special needs clients and clients that are on a strict medication regimen that must be adhered to. Please know that whenever possible, we will accommodate your specific time request when extenuating circumstances do not prevent us from doing so.
Payment- a 25% deposit based on the estimate is due at initial consultation/booking. The remainder of the bill can be paid either at the initiation of services or upon return from time away. Workday workout members (our daily walkers) payment is due weekly at the last walk of the week; individual walks payments are due at the time of service. Training fee is due at time of service, unless there are more than one session a week, then it is due at last lesson of week. A grace period of 7 days is given past due date after which, a $15 fee will be assessed to service cost. We will not provide future services until balance is paid. Any return checks will result in $30 fee plus any additional bank fee associated with returned check. Since we provide tailored concierge services, our prices can be subject to change at any point.
Same day service requests will be provided if time allows, but a $10 last minute booking fee will be added to cost of service.
Tipping is not required, but if you would like to leave a tip, it will go to your petsitter in its entirety.
Cancellations- Early return/Late Departure- we do not offer refunds for early returns or late departures of your scheduled booking.
Dog Walking Cancellations: All weekday dog walking cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance of service. Cancellations made less than 24 hours in advance will forfeit 50% of the total service cost and same day cancelations will be charged the full price of the visit. All cancellations of weekend dog walking must be made at least 24 hours in advance to avoid being charged the full price of the visit.
Non-Holiday Pet Sitting Cancellations: 10% of your total reservation cost is nonrefundable if you choose to cancel for any reason or at any time. Cancellation of vacation pet sitting services with less than 7 days’ notice prior to the start of service will result in you being billed your 25% deposit of the total invoice for scheduled pet care. If you cancel your scheduled pet sitting services 72 hours or less than the date of start of service you will forfeit 50% of your reservation cost.
Holiday Cancellations: 10% of your total reservation cost is nonrefundable if you choose to cancel for any reason or at any time. Cancellation of vacation pet sitting services with less than 14 days’ notice prior to a major holiday (ie: Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years Eve, New Years Day, Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day and Thanksgiving) will result in you being billed 50% of the total invoice for scheduled pet care.
An emergency contact must be provided if owners will be out of the area. If your pet requires any emergency veterinary care while you are away, we will make every attempt to reach you, the owner, first. If we are unable to reach you, and your pet’s condition cannot wait, we will take them to the best-suited veterinary hospital for treatment. If you have a veterinarian listed in your account, and they are open and able to see your pet, we will go there first. If they are not open or available, or if there is no veterinarian listed, we will take them to the emergency vet clinic listed in your file. All fees charged by the treating veterinary facility are the sole responsibility of you, the owner. There is also a fee for us, Purrfect Concierge Petcare, to transport to and/or from the facility and is based on time (see Services and Fees on our website). There will also be a fee for assisting in emergency care and treatment. But rest assured, your pet will be getting the best care possible. Please make sure your pet’s veterinarian is listed in your file and that you have signed a veterinarian release form allowing us to bring your pet in for emergency care. It is also a good idea to make sure your vet’s office has a credit card on file, as some facilities require a deposit to begin treatment for your pet. All receipts, testing results and documentation will be saved and given to owner. Your furry family member will be returned home, treated if necessary and kept as comfortable as possible. Any medications, medical information and/or after care will be explained and taught to owners for continued care.
Extreme weather conditions are not too frequent here, but none-the-less can be dangerous for some dogs, depending on their age and breed. All of our employees are trained to consider temperature and outdoor conditions, as well as the health of the dog, before taking them outside. In the heat, asphalt temperatures can quickly burn a dog’s paws, and in the cold, ice, salt and snow can cause discomfort and pain to a dog’s paw pads. Lower than 32 degrees, walks will be shortened for the safety and comfort of your pet. Also, we will be happy to use any of your pet’s protective clothing on days when the weather is poor to keep them as comfortable as possible. (Raincoats, jackets, etc.) Additionally, any days that are above a “real feel” temperature of 90 degrees, walks will also be shortened. In either case, rest assured that your pet with still get the attention and care they deserve, because any time that remains will be spent playing indoors or in a shaded area in your yard if available.
In case of an emergency with your pet sitter, do not worry that your pet will not receive care, an emergency backup pet sitter will fill in if unforeseen circumstances require it.
Please notify us if there will be anyone else entering your house while you are away. This includes family, friends, neighbors, workers, house cleaners, etc. Please also notify them that you will be having a pet care professional working with your pet, so they are not alarmed. We will sometimes “share pet care duties” with your friend, family member, or another sitter, but please be aware that if this is the agreement, our liability insurance may negate coverage for any issues with your home, keys, or pets.
Unforeseen Purchases: Owners should supply all necessary items that their pet(s) would need during the time that we are caring for them. However, Purrfect Concierge Petcare will purchase pet food, litter, cleaning supplies or other necessary items that are essential to the health and well-being of your pet while you are absent. We will retain a receipt and the pet owner is responsible for reimbursement for these items and a $20 trip fee will be assessed for time and travel to purchase these items. Please make sure that all items needed to care for your pet are in full supply prior to the start of service.
Vaccinations/Immunizations: Purrfect Concierge Pet Care requires that all pets have the necessary vaccinations and immunizations before service begins. We may ask to see vaccination records to photograph for our files.
Damage by Pet to Others: Client will be responsible for all medical expenses and damages resulting from an injury to any Purrfect Concierge Pet Care pet sitters, other persons, or to the property of Purrfect Concierge Pet Care or other persons by the Client’s pet(s). Client agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Purrfect Concierge Pet Care and its pet sitters, in the event of a claim by any person injured by Client’s pet(s). In the event that another animal is bitten by Client’s pet(s) or exposed to any disease or ailment from Client’s pet(s), it will be Client’s responsibility to pay all medically related costs and damages incurred by the ‘victim’ pet’s owner. Client further acknowledges that any history or tendency by their pet(s) towards straying, fighting, biting, aggression, destructive behavior or property damage has to be fully disclosed to us, and that Client is responsible for any costs associated with said tendencies. Purrfect Concierge Pet Care reserves the right to refuse services or discontinue services and board any pet that is a safety risk from dangerous/threatening aggressive behavior or has any form of a contagious disease.
Due to the extreme unpredictability of animals, Purrfect Concierge Pet Care and it’s Pet Sitters cannot be held responsible for any unusual mishaps (i.e., pet’s refusal to take medication, escaping from yard, biting, eating, or destroying household items, damage to inside/outside of home, personal injury/accidental death). If client requests pet(s) have access to outside, Client releases Purrfect Concierge Pet Care and it’s Pet Sitters from all liability for loss, injury or death to pet(s). Client is liable for injury or damage to Third Parties as well.
Solicitation of Purrfect Concierge Pet Care Sitters: Client agrees that all reservations for present and future pet sitting services must be made through Purrfect Concierge Pet Care’s main phone number (717) 574-9752 and not through the individual sitter. Client is aware that the Purrfect Concierge Pet Care sitter may give out his/her personal number to the Client. Client agrees to use this number only for communication regarding their pet’s care. Purrfect Concierge Pet Care’s sitters must always provide services through the agency and cannot be contracted privately/independently by any of Purrfect Concierge Pet Care’s clients. Client is aware that should this contract be broken; legal fees and misuse-of-staff charges will apply.
Pet Photos- We reserve the right to share or post pictures or videos of our pet clients in written information, our website and social media. Please let us know if you do NOT want us to use pictures of your pets on our website or social media pages. We are considerate of your privacy and we always make sure our location setting is turned off when taking pictures and we never include identifying information in any of the pictures (like names, addresses, etc), so your privacy is protected. We keep all your personal information confidential unless you have given us explicit permission to share any information you see fit. Also, for safety reasons, we never post any pictures or information on social media while you are away!
At Purrfect Concierge Pet Care we always appreciate your comments and feedback. (both positive and constructive suggestions. We would be immensely grateful is you could take just a few moments and share your comments with us on our “contact us” page on our website.